Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Carry on (Rainbow Rowell) End of book 1 review

I just recently finished reading the first book in Carry on by Rainbow Rowell and I'm sad to say that I'm not enjoying it so far. I'd only rate it 🌟🌟 at the minute.

I'm finding myself not liking any of the characters so far. Baz is just frustrating and at this point I've only met him though flashbacks. And I'm just finding the Mage to be unlikable

I find that this book has too many similarities to Harry Potter and that has made this book disappointing to read.

I will be finishing this book and I will post a full review of it when I've finished it

Monday, 13 June 2016

Small update

I haven't posted any of the reviews I've been wanting to so I thought I'd give you all an update.

Last week was my last unofficial week at college and since I've been studying art and design my Final Major Project consisted of putting up an exhibition that will be seen by the public.

Because of this I haven't had as much time to post here as much as I wish I have, I have two more days at college including my exhibition then I promise I'll be posting reviews and book hauls and everything that I've missed.

I post slightly more regularly on my Instagram: @Cloverhand_reader so you can follow me there for updates